30 years of ROPA - report from the Mittelbayerische Zeitung

There was more than technology on show at ROPA on the weekend. Founder Hermann Paintner told what it was like in the past and what is happening now.

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ROPA Panther 2: Probably the sportiest high-power beet harvester

Sittelsdorf / Moyvilliers - Betteravenir. ROPA is pushing forward with the new model of the two-axle beet lifter into a new performance dimension. Spo...

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Review of Agrosalon Moscow - Gold medal for the ROPA Tiger 6

Sittelsdorf/Moscow. The ROPA Tiger 6, the most powerful sugar-beet lifter in the world, will be introduced to the world at the Agrosalon trade fair an...

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Training with a future

At the beginning of the new training year, the Paintner family along with the training team greeted a total of eight motivated apprentices for the sta...

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ROPA demonstration - 30-year company anniversary with a field demonstration of the latest innovations

On Sunday, 20th of November from 10 am, ROPA will be holding its traditional exhibition in Sittelsdorf with sugar beet and potato harvesting demonstra...

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Keiler 2 in use during "Potato Field Day" in Dötting

Bright sunshine and summer temperatures of 29 degrees meant many visitors came down to Potato Day complete with show, experiments, and technical demon...

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Volga field days in Kazan/Tatarstan

From June 29 until July 02, the Volga Field Days took place in Kazan for the second time. Based on the DLG Field Days in Germany, the trade fair organ...

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