Es ist wieder soweit! Traditionell findet auch in diesem Jahr wieder die ROPA Hausvorführung statt.  Aufgrund der guten Auftragslage und damit hohen...

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Bayerische Kartoffelkönigin Anna I. zu Besuch bei ROPA

Kürzlich begrüßte ROPA die 45. Bayerischen Kartoffelkönigin, Anna Fischhaber, in Sittelsdorf. Begleitet wurde sie von ihrer Familie mit Mitarbeitern a...

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Die Sendung mit dem Elefanten: Moritz und der Kartoffelroder

Moritz und der Elefant begleitet Bäuerin Jule bei der Kartoffelernte mit einem ROPA Keiler 1.

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33 Jahre Harlander Landtechnik in Aresing

Zum Jubiläum veranstaltete die Firma Harlander Landtechnik am 23. und 24. März eine große Hausausstellung auf einer Fläche von über 3.700 Quadratmeter...

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Servicetechniker bei ROPA Rheinland und ROPA in Sittelsdorf

Werde Teil unseres Teams als Servicetechniker (m/w/d) und arbeite an der Spitze der Agrartechnologie wahlweise am Standort im Rheinland oder in Bayern...

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Eröffnung des neuen ROPA Service- und Vertriebsstützpunktes von Aktas in Konya

Wir freuen uns sehr, Ihnen mitteilen zu können, dass unsere langjährigen Partner bei Aktas ihre neue ROPA Filiale in Konya erfolgreich eröffnet haben.

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A new video featuring the ROPA Keiler 2 Doubleselect at P. & P. Coenen in North Rhine-Westphalia

ROPA is expanding its product portfolio with the Keiler 2 DoubleSelect to increase separation performance on cloddy and stony soils. This potato harve...

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ROPA Keiler RK22 – Keiler 2 Next Level!

The premium potato harvester is a winner of the German Innovation Award

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Innovations in potato technology - First presented at the Weuthen Potato Day and PotatoEurope 2023

ROPA is expanding its product portfolio with the Keiler 2 DoubleSelect to increase separation performance on cloddy and stony soils. This potato harve...

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Impressions from France during th last sugar beet and potato harvesting season

Contractor Etienne Marty has been harvesting sugar beet for many years. He always chooses the most up-to-date and efficient technology.In order to mee...

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Hermann Paintner has been awarded the " Founders' Prize of Lower Bavaria 2023" for his life's work

For years, the Founders' Prize of Lower Bavaria has been granted for outstanding success in establishing enterprises - the highest award for business...

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ROPA Gecko - planter for pre-sprouted potatoes

In cooperation with farmsupport, ROPA has created a planter for pre-sprouted potatoes.

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Profi special edition: An industry pioneer

A chronicle of ROPA Fahrzeug- und Maschinenbau GmbH

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New potato expert meeting 2023

With the theme "Planting without breaking the sprouts. Harvest early." the new potato expert meeting was held at ROPA Rheinland on February...

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Five new ROPA Keiler 2 i the potato field at P. & P. Coenen

Together with his parents, Clemens Coenen runs an 800 ha arable farm and associated contracting business.The farm grows mainly potatoes, but also maiz...

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ROPA Open House 2022 - crowds at the company anniversary

The traditional ROPA Open House in Sittelsdorf took place again this year on Sunday, November 6. And this time it was arranged to coincide with the 50...

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ROPA Symposium - 50 years of Hermann Paintner harvesting technology - 10 years of ROPA potato technology

In 1972, exactly 50 years ago, Hermann Paintner started the harvest season in Sittelsdorf with his first self-designed sugar beet harvester. It is rem...

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ROPA France Open House 2022

On June 22-24, 2022, ROPA France hosted its first Open House of the Golancourt branch, located about 120 km north of Paris. This subsidiary was establ...

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