Südstärke GmbH

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ROPA potato loader at Südstärke GmbH in Sünching

Wolfgang Schnaiter, driver of potato loader and innkeeper reports on his experience with the ROPA potato loader at Südstärke GmbH, Sünching during the second harvest campaign. If you want to know more about the ROPA potato loader, he will be happy to welcome you live in the field during work or on weekends at his farm inn 'Zur Pause' with beer garden in Hermannsdorf. Farm inn 'Zur Pause', the Schnaiter family. For more information: mobile phone: +49(0)170 9652437

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TV report on the potato loader on Bavarian television

"Unser Land" has watched the potato loader in action in action on the farm of Thomas Koller in Greilsberg

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Interview with Martin Krinner, Managing Director of MR Straubing-Bogen

ROPA potato loader at Südstärke GmbH in Sünching. Loading and transportation is organised by MR Straubing-Bogen. In the interview, Managing Director Martin Krinner briefly introduces the system of potato loading with the ROPA loader at Südstärke GmbH.

Article published in the Bavarian Agricultural Weekly

Emsland-Stärke GmbH

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Interview with Holger Hanke, Emsland-Stärke GmbH

Holger Hanke, employee of Emsland-Stärke GmbH, responsible for raw material coordination at the Golßen, Kyritz and Hagenau plants, reports on his experiences with the ROPA potato loader.

The ROPA potato loader is already operating at Emsland-Stärke for the second year. The reason of it is to show the farmers that that the company can significantly reduce logistics costs thanks to the potato loader. The starch factory is becoming much more efficient, thus proving to farmers that potato cultivation is still profitable.