Potato press in the ROPA Keiler 2

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Innovation potato press

The ROPA potato press is the new, sustainable, herbicide-free, resource-sparing process for preventing secondary potato growth in secondary crops. The potato press crushes and grinds the tubers sorted out via the discharge chutes and trash track. This promotes decay and consistently prevents the germination of tubers the next year.

At the Agritechnica Innovation Awards in Hannover, ROPA was awarded the silver medal.

Crushed potatoes have a much smaller volume and a larger surface area, which helps promote the planting process; a germination the next year is prevented. The ROPA potato press prevents growth of potato residues, thereby reducing requirements for chemical and mechanical controls.

How the potato press works

The potato press consists of two pneumatic wheels driven at different speeds

1 shredding blade of Hardox on a crushing tire

  • Small pieces are beat off large potatoes until these are caught, crushed, and pressed by the pressing rollers
  • Large clods are broken up into small pieces, caught, and also crushed


2 Hydraulic drive of the rubber wheels

  •  The friction effect of the different rotational speeds of the wheels reinforces the shredding during pressing
  • The speeds can be adjusted variably with a quantity controller


3 Mechanical guard against stones and foreign bodies via spiral springs for pre-tensioning - for uninterrupted harvesting

Function and benefits of the ROPA potato press

1. Quantity controller for speed adjustment

2. Very quiet operation

  • No direct contact of the pressing rollers
  • The distance between the pressing rollers can be set variably with a spindle


Rubber tires as pressing rollers

  • Low wear
  • Little application of force
  • Quiet and low-vibration running, even with more stones in the soil
  • Variably adjustable air pressure in the wheels

Hydraulic spreading up to 300 mm for free access

  • Harvesting possible without pressing function
  • Opens for extremely large foreign bodies