General terms and conditions for the ROPA online shop


Delivery, service, and offerings of the ROPA company are made exclusively based on these terms and conditions. Deviations from these terms and conditions are only effective if the ROPA company confirms this in writing.


The offerings of the ROPA company are non-binding. The contract comes about through the confirmation of the order by the ROPA company. The automatically-generated receipt confirmation does not bound as purchase order confirmation. Small deviations and technical changes as compared to our figures and descriptions are possible. We reserve the right to correct incorrectly calculated purchase orders and to invoice the correct goods amount.


All prices specified are including the statutory VAT of 19%. The prices are specified in Euros. For shipping within Germany, the flat-fee costs for shipping are EUR 6.90 including 19% VAT. We expressly point out that there can be additional packaging and shipping costs. For shipping to foreign countries, the actual costs will be calculated. The amount of the packaging and shipping costs will be specified on the invoice. There is no minimum order value.

Terms of delivery

The delivery will only be made as soon as the company ROPA Fahrzeug- und Maschinenbau GmbH has received the correct amount of money. Delivery will be made within Germany and to foreign countries by the company commissioned by ROPA.

Passing of risk

Delivery of the goods is done at the purchaser's risk. With transfer of the goods to the transport company, the risk passes to the customer. This also applies if the ROPA company itself has assumed the transport costs. The purchaser must make complaints due to transport damage immediately to the transport company. The transport company must be specified on the invoice.

Right of recall

You can recall your order within 2 weeks without specifying reasons in text form (letter, fax, e-mail) or by sending the goods back. The right of recall does not exist if the goods cannot be sold or can only be sold at an unreasonable discount due to individual production. The period begins at the earliest with the receipt of the goods by the customer. To preserve the recall period, the timely sending of the recall or the goods delivered is sufficient.
The recall must be directed to:

ROPA Fahrzeug- und Maschinenbau GmbH
Online shop
Sittelsdorf 24
84097 Herrngiersdorf

Tel.: +49-(0) 87 85 - 96 01 - 0
Fax: +49-(0) 87 85 - 96 01 - 142

Consequences of recall

In case of an effective recall, the services received by both sides must be reimbursed and if necessary, benefit derived from them returned. In case of a deterioration of the goods, a replacement can be demanded.
Furthermore, the obligation for value replacement can be prevented by not using the goods like an owner and refraining from everything that compromises their value. If a customer makes use of the abovementioned right of revocation, he must bear all costs for the return shipment.


The legal warranty period of 2 years from the transfer of the goods to the customer applies. Insofar as the purchaser is an entrepreneur, the period of 6 months. The warranty does not extend to the usual wear or to normal use.
Claims of the customer for damage replacement such as due to non-fulfillment, faults during conclusion of the contract, violation of other contractual duties, consequential damages, damage from impermissible handling and other legal causes are excluded insofar as the company ROPA did not act intentionally or with gross negligence.
For the case that the goods delivered are defective and the ROPA company is responsible for this, the ROPA company will deliver a replacement or provide repairs.
If the replacement delivery or repairs are also defective, the purchaser is entitled to withdraw from the contract.

Retention of title

The goods delivered remain the property of ROPA Fahrzeug- und Maschinenbau GmbH until they have been paid for completely. The purchaser is obligated not to sell, mortgage or use the goods as security until the full price has been paid.


Payment shall be made in advance. After processing of the payment by the company ROPA Fahrzeug- und Maschinenbau GmbH, the invoice shall be sent to the customer at the e-mail specified. The purchaser obligates himself to transfer the invoice amount to the account specified on the invoice.

Partial invalidity

If a provision of these terms and conditions should be or become ineffective, the effectiveness of all other provisions and agreements is not affected by this. The ineffective provision shall be replaced by an effective provision that comes as close as possible to the will of the parties in the ineffective provision.

Collateral agreements

Collateral agreements and other deviations from the contract text require written form.

Data protection

According to § 28 BDSG (Bundesdatenschutzgesetz [German Federal Data Privacy Act]) we point out that in the course of doing business, necessary data is processed and stored using an EDP system. All personal data collected from customers will be handled confidentially. Only in the course of order processing will the necessary data also be used with third parties. You can receive information about the data saved free of charge at any time.